Friday, December 16, 2016

Web Designer Reflection.

        Hello my fellow friends, how are all of you?! This week we have been working nonstop to create a website over all the cool things we have done this semester in e-COMM. I sadly did not finish it but I will explain the process and all that jazz on how I did work on it and what my experience was.

         So the process for creating this website was mildly difficult for myself, I thought it was kinda hard and I kept forgetting to do things. When you first start your website off you have to make sure in in a certain mode, design mode, it won't work in live mode because in live, that's how you can preview everything and make sure it is ok. You have to be in another certain setting too because otherwise you'll see the coding or may even mess up the coding. It has to specific to the http:// that we were using. Then you have to drag in the design for the website that will make the text as well as the layout and what the colors will be. After that you put in one of your favorite graphic design projects and a favorite video project. I choose to do the enchanted rose from Beauty and the Beast and my A to B Sequence video. Before we put in the video and picture we had to make sure that it was a good size so it wouldn't mess anything up. We did all of this stuff while watching video tutorials from one of the other e-COMM teachers. He was very helpful and sometimes I had to keep rewatching a section but it's ok because it helped me understand it better.

       I took my time trying to make my website because like I said before I am not very good at making one. It has taken me almost a full school week and I am going to try and finish it after my final (This blog). In class I used my time wisely. I was always watching a video and I kept working on it. Although I did not get it done i still worked very hard and finished the majority. I only have one video left to do, out of 6.

       Some challenges I faced while working on my website was the computers. I feel like everyones computers weren't working and it was hard because it's finals week and it was crazy. I was stressed out a lot and I think the kinda slowed me down while trying to make my website good so I can get a good grade. The wifi wasn't working with me for a day or two so that kinda threw mw off and I couldn't connect to the server, were everything was saved. Another day I was trying to take a good picture for my profile for my website. But I think the main problem was trying to crunch this project in with only having four days to work on it and the deadline was distracting me from getting it finished.

     I learned a lot of things along the way like, making a website. Even though I thought it was hard I can know say that I've built a website. I'm proud of my work and this took a lot of time. Like I learned about all the coding and stuff, that was kinda cool, made me feel like I was in a spy movie or something. I also learned that pictures have to be a certain size or else they can make a website crash. I also now know that everything has to be in a specific way or things can go badly.

    Overall I thought this project was ok. I don't really know if I want to make a career out of web design but it wasn't terrible. I am liking how my website is turning out and I'm really disappointed that I could not finish it but I will try to work on it a little more at least. It was cool to see and experience they ways of making a website. I enjoyed graphic design as well, drawing all the time, I love it!

  Have a wonderful day my lovelies,
thanks for reading
Sophie the First.

P.S. I finished my website :)

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