Hello my good readers, nice to blog again, how are al of you? I am doing great, just waiting for winter break. So recently in my awesome eCOMM class we have been working on logos. Why are logos so important and what makes a logo applying to the public? How do I keep my logo up to date. All this cool stuff. It was interesting to watch the apple logo grow from the apple tree to the half eaten apple we have now. There are five elements for making a good logo Simplicity, flexibility, color, branding, and timeless appeal. These components are helping people make logos grand all over the world. I have always thought it was hard to come up with a logo, for some reason I can't think of anything interesting enough. But this time around I like the logo I've come up with.
My first and last name start with an S so I choose to do something with that, I ended up making it look like a snake, oops, but it is interesting. I choose the s's combined though because I am intwined with my family and we will always be there for each other. I thought the project was hard only because I'm not good at coming up with logos but other than that reason I though it was fairly easy drawing it out then drawing it on Adobe. I used a green for the regular S because that's my favorite color and a more blush color for the backwards S because that reminds me of my family, it's a different shade because I'm similar to my family but I am also my own person. Overall I think the logo turned out a little sloppy on illustrater but i'm still proud of it nonetheless.
Good day to all of you,
Sophie the First
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