Bonjour!!! I'm back again for another blog, comment ça va? I'm doing well, as well as I can be, i'm very nervous for my finals. I am double blogging for my e9 final though, it's that neat? So here is my reflection on e-COMM.
My area of strength this semester would probably have to be graphic design. I am a good drawer and I really enjoyed drawing almost all the time in this class. I learned how to use colors correctly and how to make a cool logo. We watched a whole bunch of videos that helped layout everything and I just really liked being able to draw what ever I wanted, I loved the artistic freedom. I would also say I'm good at video. I liked to make the videos and I understood all the things we had to do.
I need to improve on my creativity. I feel like I am not creative and I cannot work good under pressure so probably I need to calm down. But I think I did ok. In video I need to make sure I'm following the six shots and that I am not making congruity errors. In graphic design I need to be more time manageable. I kinda worked slow, I was still ahead of the game, I just didn't finish a couple projects.
I loved video this semester. I really enjoyed being able to create my own mini movies and learn everything about the process of creating anything digitally. I liked being able to edit and being an actress in some of my films was fun. I'm really excited to continued in video (If I can) and I enjoyed the fun atmosphere of the classroom.
I wouldn't really want to change anything. My class is nice and I have a friend as well as making new friends. Everything is so cool to learn about and I enjoy it very much. Maybe I would change the wifi so it works, for some reason I always have bad luck with my school's wifi but other than that I really enjoy everything.
Oh man, I'ver learned so much this semester. I can make video and they actually look good. I can edit anything I want to thanks to the Adobe programs. I know the secrets of graphic design and how to create a logo that it cool but simple. Colors mean different things and I learned how to use them to make people feel or see a certain way. I now know that making a movie--even if it's a minute--is not easy and everything has to be thought out carefully.
I would like to continue with my good grades next semester and I want to keep having fun. I hope that animation will teach me a lot and that the final project we do at the end of the year is really fun. I love the e-COMM program and I don't want to be anywhere else.
Thank you,
Sophie the First.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Web Designer Reflection.
Hello my fellow friends, how are all of you?! This week we have been working nonstop to create a website over all the cool things we have done this semester in e-COMM. I sadly did not finish it but I will explain the process and all that jazz on how I did work on it and what my experience was.
So the process for creating this website was mildly difficult for myself, I thought it was kinda hard and I kept forgetting to do things. When you first start your website off you have to make sure in in a certain mode, design mode, it won't work in live mode because in live, that's how you can preview everything and make sure it is ok. You have to be in another certain setting too because otherwise you'll see the coding or may even mess up the coding. It has to specific to the http:// that we were using. Then you have to drag in the design for the website that will make the text as well as the layout and what the colors will be. After that you put in one of your favorite graphic design projects and a favorite video project. I choose to do the enchanted rose from Beauty and the Beast and my A to B Sequence video. Before we put in the video and picture we had to make sure that it was a good size so it wouldn't mess anything up. We did all of this stuff while watching video tutorials from one of the other e-COMM teachers. He was very helpful and sometimes I had to keep rewatching a section but it's ok because it helped me understand it better.
I took my time trying to make my website because like I said before I am not very good at making one. It has taken me almost a full school week and I am going to try and finish it after my final (This blog). In class I used my time wisely. I was always watching a video and I kept working on it. Although I did not get it done i still worked very hard and finished the majority. I only have one video left to do, out of 6.
Some challenges I faced while working on my website was the computers. I feel like everyones computers weren't working and it was hard because it's finals week and it was crazy. I was stressed out a lot and I think the kinda slowed me down while trying to make my website good so I can get a good grade. The wifi wasn't working with me for a day or two so that kinda threw mw off and I couldn't connect to the server, were everything was saved. Another day I was trying to take a good picture for my profile for my website. But I think the main problem was trying to crunch this project in with only having four days to work on it and the deadline was distracting me from getting it finished.
I learned a lot of things along the way like, making a website. Even though I thought it was hard I can know say that I've built a website. I'm proud of my work and this took a lot of time. Like I learned about all the coding and stuff, that was kinda cool, made me feel like I was in a spy movie or something. I also learned that pictures have to be a certain size or else they can make a website crash. I also now know that everything has to be in a specific way or things can go badly.
Overall I thought this project was ok. I don't really know if I want to make a career out of web design but it wasn't terrible. I am liking how my website is turning out and I'm really disappointed that I could not finish it but I will try to work on it a little more at least. It was cool to see and experience they ways of making a website. I enjoyed graphic design as well, drawing all the time, I love it!
Have a wonderful day my lovelies,
thanks for reading
Sophie the First.
P.S. I finished my website :)

So the process for creating this website was mildly difficult for myself, I thought it was kinda hard and I kept forgetting to do things. When you first start your website off you have to make sure in in a certain mode, design mode, it won't work in live mode because in live, that's how you can preview everything and make sure it is ok. You have to be in another certain setting too because otherwise you'll see the coding or may even mess up the coding. It has to specific to the http:// that we were using. Then you have to drag in the design for the website that will make the text as well as the layout and what the colors will be. After that you put in one of your favorite graphic design projects and a favorite video project. I choose to do the enchanted rose from Beauty and the Beast and my A to B Sequence video. Before we put in the video and picture we had to make sure that it was a good size so it wouldn't mess anything up. We did all of this stuff while watching video tutorials from one of the other e-COMM teachers. He was very helpful and sometimes I had to keep rewatching a section but it's ok because it helped me understand it better.
I took my time trying to make my website because like I said before I am not very good at making one. It has taken me almost a full school week and I am going to try and finish it after my final (This blog). In class I used my time wisely. I was always watching a video and I kept working on it. Although I did not get it done i still worked very hard and finished the majority. I only have one video left to do, out of 6.
Some challenges I faced while working on my website was the computers. I feel like everyones computers weren't working and it was hard because it's finals week and it was crazy. I was stressed out a lot and I think the kinda slowed me down while trying to make my website good so I can get a good grade. The wifi wasn't working with me for a day or two so that kinda threw mw off and I couldn't connect to the server, were everything was saved. Another day I was trying to take a good picture for my profile for my website. But I think the main problem was trying to crunch this project in with only having four days to work on it and the deadline was distracting me from getting it finished.
I learned a lot of things along the way like, making a website. Even though I thought it was hard I can know say that I've built a website. I'm proud of my work and this took a lot of time. Like I learned about all the coding and stuff, that was kinda cool, made me feel like I was in a spy movie or something. I also learned that pictures have to be a certain size or else they can make a website crash. I also now know that everything has to be in a specific way or things can go badly.
Overall I thought this project was ok. I don't really know if I want to make a career out of web design but it wasn't terrible. I am liking how my website is turning out and I'm really disappointed that I could not finish it but I will try to work on it a little more at least. It was cool to see and experience they ways of making a website. I enjoyed graphic design as well, drawing all the time, I love it!
Have a wonderful day my lovelies,
thanks for reading
Sophie the First.
P.S. I finished my website :)

Friday, December 9, 2016
Presentation Blog
Bonjour my fellow bloggers!! Comment ça va? How are all of you?! I'm am doing great, just counting down the days until I am out of school for the winter. We got our first snow on Wednesday, it was great. Anyways we have recently created personal logos and we had to do a presentation own front of the class. Mine wasn't to good, I got very nervous and rushed it majorly but I explained well so that's good. Down below i'll tell you what exactly happened.
I have learned a lot on presenting in the class, we watched a dos and don'ts video and I didn't really learned more than I already knew. Most of what presenting is don't turn your back, speak clearly, act engaged, have good posture, make eye contact. All that great stuff. It's common sense, don't act like bored in front of a class while presenting, and if your conifentdnt you'll have fun as well as the audience.
We watched a lot presentations from Ted to become better presenters and I thought it was pretty cool to watch people speak so passional about climate change and GMOs. That stuff is also a passion of mine and I thought it was cool. I did't really like saying what was wrong with them because that isn't very nice and I liked them the way they were. Like people were making fun of a guys hairdo, I don't exactly like to do that.
During my presentation my professional appearance was ok, I didn't know that I had to dress up I just wore a funnel, which is nice for me I guess because usually I just wear t-shirts. My hair was also kinda crazy yesterday but that's because I don't have a brush and it gets crazy on the bus. My posture was also good, I stood straight and tall as well and confident, at least I thought I did. My left profile was turned towards the audience so I didn't exactly cheat out all that much (Cheating out is a theater term for facing the audience) but it was sill better than having my back to the audience. I tried to make a lot of eye contact during my presentation but it was hard because I was very nervous. I don't exactly have a fear of public speaking it just gives me butterflies, I wasn't to bad, I only looked at the wall when I had to collect my thoughts. I didn't walk around all that much because people said it was distracting while we watched the dos and don'ts of presenting so I tried to stay put for most of it. I tried to also make gestures with my hands, but again people said that was distracting and I wanted a good grade. For the most part I stayed put.
So now i await my grade for this presentation and now I'm off to draw about global warming(its real)
Au revoir mes aimes, Goodbye my friends,
Sophie the First
I have learned a lot on presenting in the class, we watched a dos and don'ts video and I didn't really learned more than I already knew. Most of what presenting is don't turn your back, speak clearly, act engaged, have good posture, make eye contact. All that great stuff. It's common sense, don't act like bored in front of a class while presenting, and if your conifentdnt you'll have fun as well as the audience.
We watched a lot presentations from Ted to become better presenters and I thought it was pretty cool to watch people speak so passional about climate change and GMOs. That stuff is also a passion of mine and I thought it was cool. I did't really like saying what was wrong with them because that isn't very nice and I liked them the way they were. Like people were making fun of a guys hairdo, I don't exactly like to do that.
During my presentation my professional appearance was ok, I didn't know that I had to dress up I just wore a funnel, which is nice for me I guess because usually I just wear t-shirts. My hair was also kinda crazy yesterday but that's because I don't have a brush and it gets crazy on the bus. My posture was also good, I stood straight and tall as well and confident, at least I thought I did. My left profile was turned towards the audience so I didn't exactly cheat out all that much (Cheating out is a theater term for facing the audience) but it was sill better than having my back to the audience. I tried to make a lot of eye contact during my presentation but it was hard because I was very nervous. I don't exactly have a fear of public speaking it just gives me butterflies, I wasn't to bad, I only looked at the wall when I had to collect my thoughts. I didn't walk around all that much because people said it was distracting while we watched the dos and don'ts of presenting so I tried to stay put for most of it. I tried to also make gestures with my hands, but again people said that was distracting and I wanted a good grade. For the most part I stayed put.
So now i await my grade for this presentation and now I'm off to draw about global warming(its real)
Au revoir mes aimes, Goodbye my friends,
Sophie the First
Friday, December 2, 2016
Personal Logo
Hello my good readers, nice to blog again, how are al of you? I am doing great, just waiting for winter break. So recently in my awesome eCOMM class we have been working on logos. Why are logos so important and what makes a logo applying to the public? How do I keep my logo up to date. All this cool stuff. It was interesting to watch the apple logo grow from the apple tree to the half eaten apple we have now. There are five elements for making a good logo Simplicity, flexibility, color, branding, and timeless appeal. These components are helping people make logos grand all over the world. I have always thought it was hard to come up with a logo, for some reason I can't think of anything interesting enough. But this time around I like the logo I've come up with.
My first and last name start with an S so I choose to do something with that, I ended up making it look like a snake, oops, but it is interesting. I choose the s's combined though because I am intwined with my family and we will always be there for each other. I thought the project was hard only because I'm not good at coming up with logos but other than that reason I though it was fairly easy drawing it out then drawing it on Adobe. I used a green for the regular S because that's my favorite color and a more blush color for the backwards S because that reminds me of my family, it's a different shade because I'm similar to my family but I am also my own person. Overall I think the logo turned out a little sloppy on illustrater but i'm still proud of it nonetheless.
Good day to all of you,
Sophie the First

My first and last name start with an S so I choose to do something with that, I ended up making it look like a snake, oops, but it is interesting. I choose the s's combined though because I am intwined with my family and we will always be there for each other. I thought the project was hard only because I'm not good at coming up with logos but other than that reason I though it was fairly easy drawing it out then drawing it on Adobe. I used a green for the regular S because that's my favorite color and a more blush color for the backwards S because that reminds me of my family, it's a different shade because I'm similar to my family but I am also my own person. Overall I think the logo turned out a little sloppy on illustrater but i'm still proud of it nonetheless.
Good day to all of you,
Sophie the First

Thursday, November 17, 2016
Green Vs. Orange
Hello my good friends, Sophie the first is back with another blog and today we are going to be discussing colors. Now I have a lot of favorite colors but today I'm in a very green mood. No I don't mean I'm going to be sick or that I'm jealous of someone but i'm feeling calm and happy right now. Green reminds me of so many happy memories, unlike the color orange. So let's get right into the blog shall we?
Green. I think of nature and happiness, renewal and calm. It reminds me of playing outside all the time when I was younger. Well I still go outside a lot. It's very relaxing and I like it. My family goes to Colorado every summer and the color green reminds me of the forest we hike through and the trees surrounding us. It's a very particular green, almost like the green you get after you walk into the forest after a rain and everything is glowing or like a dark green that's almost black but it's still a very vibrant green. Ahhhh yes I love nature. My siblings and I go outside and play sports in the backyards and I take my dogs on walks through the park. It's just very calming, I think of green and I hear birds chirping and I see a nice forest with a rushing waterfall. It'd great, unlike the color orange.
Orange on the other hand is the very opposite of green. I feel like it's a very dull color that has no depth and yes it does remind me of fall but I'm more of a winter kinda gal anyways. The orange is out there but too much out there it's like boring, a weird boring, almost like a dull bring. ZZZzzzz sleeping ugh. I don't really have any bad memories of it but the color doesn't appeal to me, at all. The orange is the color for Fanta and orange and I'm not a fan of oranges.
I hope that I didn't offend anyone with my options on green and orange. Have a wonderful day and goodbye my friends.
Sophie the First.
Green. I think of nature and happiness, renewal and calm. It reminds me of playing outside all the time when I was younger. Well I still go outside a lot. It's very relaxing and I like it. My family goes to Colorado every summer and the color green reminds me of the forest we hike through and the trees surrounding us. It's a very particular green, almost like the green you get after you walk into the forest after a rain and everything is glowing or like a dark green that's almost black but it's still a very vibrant green. Ahhhh yes I love nature. My siblings and I go outside and play sports in the backyards and I take my dogs on walks through the park. It's just very calming, I think of green and I hear birds chirping and I see a nice forest with a rushing waterfall. It'd great, unlike the color orange.
Orange on the other hand is the very opposite of green. I feel like it's a very dull color that has no depth and yes it does remind me of fall but I'm more of a winter kinda gal anyways. The orange is out there but too much out there it's like boring, a weird boring, almost like a dull bring. ZZZzzzz sleeping ugh. I don't really have any bad memories of it but the color doesn't appeal to me, at all. The orange is the color for Fanta and orange and I'm not a fan of oranges.
I hope that I didn't offend anyone with my options on green and orange. Have a wonderful day and goodbye my friends.
Sophie the First.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Sketching and Illustrator
Bonjour my fellow friends, back again today with another blog. This week we got to sketch an item twenty different times. I chose flowers because I feel like they were my weak point out of the four choices we had. So I grabbed my sketch book and got to work. I don't really know the names of my flowers but I drew a lot and I think they looked pretty good. Well I mean my skills improved. It took me a couple days because I couldn't just sit back and work I have homework and play practice to do so it took me three days I think but I finished them and posted to our online classroom. I thought it was a good way to challenge myself with my drawings because I used shading and tried to make them look pretty without cool because I didn't have enough time to color twenty flowers. Overall this was really fun to do and I'm not one to pass up drawing.
Our second project this week was to use Adobe Illustrator to create one of our twenty images. I choose to draw a rose, not just any rose, but the enchanted rose from Beauty and the Beast. I love Beauty and the Beast so much, it is also the musical I am in for my school. Anyways It took me an hour I think, and I found out how to shade and use my tools better. I really enjoy drawing either digital or on paper. I fort drew a really rough outline for my rose then colored it in slowly whilst shading. Then I drew the pink shading which was kinda a mistake cause I had to erase some and it looks a little sloppy, after that I drew the green stem and shaded that as well. Then I went back with the pink shading to create the magical glow. Lastly I made some little stars or sparkles.
I'm very proud of how my drawings turned out and I think my Adobe skills are greatly improving. I'm really digging the e-COMM program and I can't wait for what is going to come next.
Till we speak again my friends,
Sophie the First.
Monday, November 7, 2016
The Illustrator Experiance
Good day my fellow bloggers, I am back with some more
knowledge on graphic design. Recently we have been working on Adobe Illustrator
and learning the basics, we've done a few projects so below I will talk about
the stuff we've done.
For my
first project we got to use Adobe for the first time and it was pretty cool. I
think drawing on the computer is a little challenging but I will get better. We
learned how to use the basic shapes like the star tool and the rectangle tool.
They come in handy a lot and its way to use the tools then try and draw the
perfect shape. We also use the lecturer tool a lot, like a lot. For me changing
the brushes and making sure it's on fill or stroke is hard because I want to
keep going but I have to change everything first, it's a challenge, a fun
challenge. We made the shapes had to put them in spots, we also changed the
size and shape of the shapes so we had to fix them red or fill them blue. I really
like graphic design; it's drawing the whole time. The first project was pretty
easy, just using shapes but the second one was a little more difficult.
The second
project we did was a project of our own imagination. We had to use the skills
we already knew like how to make perfect shapes and use the selection tool to
make something. I made a snowman since the Holiday season is coming up. I had
fun making it and I always enjoy drawing on anything really. I fist used
polygons for the body but thought it looked weird that I had polygons instead
of circles so I used to ellipse tool to create some perfect circles. After I
had stacked three white circles on top of each other I used the rectangle tool
to create the two rectangles one indigo and one black to create the hat and
then used the ellipse tool to create a very wide but skinny black oval for the
bottom part of the hat. Then I used the ellipse tool to create 8 very small,
black circles for the eyes, mouth, and buttons. After that I used the start
tool to create the snowman’s orange nose. I had to make a star—which is just
dragging and holding the mouse—then use the up and downs arrows to add or
subtract points, if all the points are subtracted it gives you a triangle, then
I changed the size so it would be a small nose. Next I used the rectangle tool
again to make two skinny, tall brown rectangles that I used for my snowman’s
arms. Lastly I used the star tool to create small white snowflakes; I also just
drew some white dots too, to make some variety.
We also Used the shaper tool to create an eye type thing. It was a little difficult to figure out how to crave a chance out of the circle but I still like doing all this stuff. We had to create a giant red circle then a smaller circle to put on top
Overall these
projects were very fun to do. I like Adobe Illustrator and when we do the
projects it’s just drawing the entire hour and it’s so fun to do. I enjoy
learning the new material and hopefully by the end my digital drawing skills
get better because right now they aren’t the best but they will get better over
time. I’m excited to learn new things and this quarter will be pretty
Au Revoir moi aimes,
Sophie the First
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Social Media and College Applications
Hello good people of Blogger, today I am posting over an article that talks about colleges looking at social media before accepting you into their college.
After reading the social Awareness I have learned that colleges look at social media to see if you are a good person. They always have people monitoring and seeing what you post on social media platforms. They look to see if your worth the trouble of being invited to their college. I have heard this already, when applying for a job they look you up and see if your reliable or not. schools and workplaces want to make sure your fit and can do the things they are expected while you go to that school or go to that job.
I know that I am always careful with what I post on Instagram and Snapchat. I do not want people to think of me as the girl who is never doing something right, I want to be viewed good and I want the place that I'm applying for to know that I am a responsible person. I will post things that aren't bad or cray and will always to post stuff that won't cause craziness. I am considerate and now I will be even more careful because programs and business are always watching.

After reading the social Awareness I have learned that colleges look at social media to see if you are a good person. They always have people monitoring and seeing what you post on social media platforms. They look to see if your worth the trouble of being invited to their college. I have heard this already, when applying for a job they look you up and see if your reliable or not. schools and workplaces want to make sure your fit and can do the things they are expected while you go to that school or go to that job.
I know that I am always careful with what I post on Instagram and Snapchat. I do not want people to think of me as the girl who is never doing something right, I want to be viewed good and I want the place that I'm applying for to know that I am a responsible person. I will post things that aren't bad or cray and will always to post stuff that won't cause craziness. I am considerate and now I will be even more careful because programs and business are always watching.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Elevator Pitch
Greeting my fellow Bloggers, today's blog is about Elevator Pitch. What is an elevator pitch you might ask? Well an elevator pitch is a way to explain you strengths and likes with someone in about 60 seconds. It's called an elevator pitch because you only get about 60 seconds in an elevator with someone and that's the amount of time you have to pitch your idea to someone and introduce yourself. Here is my example:
I am an e-COMM student at ONW who likes to make movies and draw. I get complements on my creativity with movie ideas and sketches. I am excited to learn more skills for the graphic design strand and I will work hard to produce great things. I want to improve my skills and try new things. I hope to change this school for the better with my hopefully funny videos and kindness.
I am an e-COMM student at ONW who likes to make movies and draw. I get complements on my creativity with movie ideas and sketches. I am excited to learn more skills for the graphic design strand and I will work hard to produce great things. I want to improve my skills and try new things. I hope to change this school for the better with my hopefully funny videos and kindness.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Let's Get a Little Technical
Greetings my fellow blogger, it's Sophie the First back at it again with some blogging. This will be my last blog for a while over the topic of video entertainment. Next week I will start graphic design and that will last until December 16th I think.
This blog will be over the Six Shot System, which is your guide to filming. There are six shots--hence the name-- that are used in all films. They help show emotion, setting, clean it up, and overall add more action. The shots are: Extreme Wide, Wide, Closeup, Medium Closeup, Extreme Closeup, and Over the Shoulder. As you have hopefully noticed half of the shots are closeups of sorts. That is because fifty percent of shots should be closeups. Now lets get right into the shots.
Extreme Wide-
The extreme wide shot is what sets everything up. It is the shot will give the setting, without the setting the film would be pretty confusing. It can also set the mood, for example if you were doing a horror movie your wide shot would be the exposition (introducing characters) but you could add fog at sunrise. Things that can foreshadow to later events. The main purpose is the establish a setting foe the film though.
The wide shot along with the extreme wide shot are to show setting but the wide shot is not as big or wide as just the wide shot. So going with the horror movie example, the wide could be a closeup of the main characters house or maybe their yard or something that goes along with the extreme but focuses on a specific thing.
The closeup is to show emotion or an action that an individual or group is showing or doing. In the horror movie you could use the closeup of the protagonist/antagonist brushing their teeth or combing/brushing their hair. The closeup usually is from the waist up, so closer than the wide but not as close as the medium closeup.
Medium Closeup-
The medium closeup is from the shoulders up and it allows more emotion to be seen. This shot should be very emotionally revealing. In the horror movie the main character could be eating or looking out the window. This shot is closer than the closeup but not as close as the extreme.
Extreme Closeup-
The extreme closeup shows extreme shots. Like lips, hands, feet, eyes, basically any feature on the face or hands and feet. This shot can show actions that foreshadow events or emotions like fear inuU horror movies.
Over the Shoulder-
The over the shoulder shot is a shot in third person, it shows what the character is looking at as well as other objects and characters are doing as well. This shot is common is scenes when two characters are having a discussion or maybe a fight scene in an action film.
That is all folks over the topic of video entertainment. I will be working on something different until April-May, but now my journey through the e-COMM takes me to graphic design.
Au revoir my friends,
Sophie The First.
This blog will be over the Six Shot System, which is your guide to filming. There are six shots--hence the name-- that are used in all films. They help show emotion, setting, clean it up, and overall add more action. The shots are: Extreme Wide, Wide, Closeup, Medium Closeup, Extreme Closeup, and Over the Shoulder. As you have hopefully noticed half of the shots are closeups of sorts. That is because fifty percent of shots should be closeups. Now lets get right into the shots.
Extreme Wide-
The extreme wide shot is what sets everything up. It is the shot will give the setting, without the setting the film would be pretty confusing. It can also set the mood, for example if you were doing a horror movie your wide shot would be the exposition (introducing characters) but you could add fog at sunrise. Things that can foreshadow to later events. The main purpose is the establish a setting foe the film though.
The wide shot along with the extreme wide shot are to show setting but the wide shot is not as big or wide as just the wide shot. So going with the horror movie example, the wide could be a closeup of the main characters house or maybe their yard or something that goes along with the extreme but focuses on a specific thing.
Medium Closeup-
The medium closeup is from the shoulders up and it allows more emotion to be seen. This shot should be very emotionally revealing. In the horror movie the main character could be eating or looking out the window. This shot is closer than the closeup but not as close as the extreme.
Extreme Closeup-
The extreme closeup shows extreme shots. Like lips, hands, feet, eyes, basically any feature on the face or hands and feet. This shot can show actions that foreshadow events or emotions like fear inuU horror movies.
Over the Shoulder-
The over the shoulder shot is a shot in third person, it shows what the character is looking at as well as other objects and characters are doing as well. This shot is common is scenes when two characters are having a discussion or maybe a fight scene in an action film.
That is all folks over the topic of video entertainment. I will be working on something different until April-May, but now my journey through the e-COMM takes me to graphic design.
Au revoir my friends,
Sophie The First.
Horror Spoof
Good day to you my fellow bloggers, Sophie the First is back with my final video filming project. This was a chase scene and we got to pick our groups, which let me tell you was a hard job. I was torn between two different groups but eventually settled with Mary (My actress mentioned before) and a new girl named Megan. We brainstormed for a whole hour and many ideas went back and forth, all relating to horror films, or something of the sort. I suggested a video with a clown in it because right now clowns are plaguing America and I thought it'd be funny be after so debate we decided against it. Mary suggested the horror movie spoof. I was wary of first, only because I didn't see her vision but after some explaining the video was appealing. The nest day, we filmed and didn't finish so filming continued onto Monday.
Editing is still a difficult and long process. It takes me a while to remember how to import clips from the -Pad we used and then you have to put the clips in the hour two folder which took a while because I couldn't figure out how to export a big group of clips at one time so it took forever dragging each clip one at a time and I had 45 clips!
Once everything was in Adobe Premiere it wasn't that hard, only the Wi-Fi decided to be difficult so day three nothing got done except for importing and exporting clips. Wednesday I walked into the e-COMM classroom before school believing today was going to be a great day with editing. But as I tried to connect to the server and Wi-Fi it didn't work. the whole 30 minutes that I gave myself to get at least half way done with editing, that didn't happen. Thursday I spent all class time working on my editing as well as watching my classmates and half listening to critiques. I finished right as the rang, but at least I finished it. I think my class did very well with videos and I think my was good as well.
In our groups we had to edit the video separately so I think my version was pretty good, there are some jump cuts, crosses of the axis line, and some costume changes but hey what can you do. I picked some creepy clown music and I was going to change the lighting but I ran out of time.
I have expanded my knowledge with the do's and do not's of filming and it was so much fun to be apart of the entertainment strand for first quarter. My favorite project to work on was probably the A to B squence just because I though my partner was easier to work with and it was fun, plus we both had pretty good ideas, overall though the experiance has been great so far.
Au revoir my friends, until next time,
Sophie the First
Editing is still a difficult and long process. It takes me a while to remember how to import clips from the -Pad we used and then you have to put the clips in the hour two folder which took a while because I couldn't figure out how to export a big group of clips at one time so it took forever dragging each clip one at a time and I had 45 clips!
Once everything was in Adobe Premiere it wasn't that hard, only the Wi-Fi decided to be difficult so day three nothing got done except for importing and exporting clips. Wednesday I walked into the e-COMM classroom before school believing today was going to be a great day with editing. But as I tried to connect to the server and Wi-Fi it didn't work. the whole 30 minutes that I gave myself to get at least half way done with editing, that didn't happen. Thursday I spent all class time working on my editing as well as watching my classmates and half listening to critiques. I finished right as the rang, but at least I finished it. I think my class did very well with videos and I think my was good as well.
In our groups we had to edit the video separately so I think my version was pretty good, there are some jump cuts, crosses of the axis line, and some costume changes but hey what can you do. I picked some creepy clown music and I was going to change the lighting but I ran out of time.
I have expanded my knowledge with the do's and do not's of filming and it was so much fun to be apart of the entertainment strand for first quarter. My favorite project to work on was probably the A to B squence just because I though my partner was easier to work with and it was fun, plus we both had pretty good ideas, overall though the experiance has been great so far.
Au revoir my friends, until next time,
Sophie the First
Friday, October 7, 2016
Library Day
Greetings good people of Blogger, Sophie is back and here with some more news on the e-COMM program. This time we did an A to B sequence, which means we went from one point to another. We had our partners drawn from a hat while dramatic music was playing in the background. I anxiously awaited my partners name to be told. "Carson" Mr. Cooper yelled out. I looked around and located Carson, my partner.
We sat at my desk and tried to come up with an idea. The first idea was a bad janitor who is always creating and leaving messes instead of cleaning them, but over the weekend we both decided that the idea wasn't working out. Monday we decided on a comedy film and slowly we figured out what we wanted our scene to be, fighting over a book.
The next day we decided to film. We scouted out an area and found a corner in the library that was quiet for the beginning of our scene. I grabbed a book and pretended to read, "finishing" it I look for a new book. Carson was also looking for a new book and somehow in our scene we grab for the same book which leads to the ultimate chase scene you've ever scene. He grabs the book and I get a closeup of my scared face then he sprints out of the library, me, following quickly after.
We sprint throughout the hallways and do some pretty epic stunts that involved me falling into a trashcan and bruising up my knee pretty badly. But it was so worth it because in the video it turns out pretty well.
The video again was supposed to feature the six shot system and the rule of thirds as well as having each scene 3-4 seconds and using the axis line. It is always hard and there will always make mistakes but I have gotten better, way better. I had all six shots, well maybe not over the shoulder, I crossed the axis line a couple times there were some contiguity errors for example: I had a book in my hand for one shot then the next it wasn't there and another time Carson had a book in his hand and then threw it and for the next shot he had it in his hand again. There were also a couple jump shots and some of them were in the wrong order. Carson also stopped running to early for some of the shots and there was not way to get that out of the video so we needed to stay in movement. I also need to tighten up my editing and cut some shots shorter.
My classmates liked the music I choose for my video and I used the rule of thirds correctly as week. I really enjoyed making this video, I had a good partner and it was creative. I'm excited to learn more in the e-COMM project, next week will be my last in the video/internment then I will move into graphic design. Not sure how i'll be at it or if the strand will be fun but i'm excited.
Au revoir my friends,
We sat at my desk and tried to come up with an idea. The first idea was a bad janitor who is always creating and leaving messes instead of cleaning them, but over the weekend we both decided that the idea wasn't working out. Monday we decided on a comedy film and slowly we figured out what we wanted our scene to be, fighting over a book.
The next day we decided to film. We scouted out an area and found a corner in the library that was quiet for the beginning of our scene. I grabbed a book and pretended to read, "finishing" it I look for a new book. Carson was also looking for a new book and somehow in our scene we grab for the same book which leads to the ultimate chase scene you've ever scene. He grabs the book and I get a closeup of my scared face then he sprints out of the library, me, following quickly after.
We sprint throughout the hallways and do some pretty epic stunts that involved me falling into a trashcan and bruising up my knee pretty badly. But it was so worth it because in the video it turns out pretty well.
The video again was supposed to feature the six shot system and the rule of thirds as well as having each scene 3-4 seconds and using the axis line. It is always hard and there will always make mistakes but I have gotten better, way better. I had all six shots, well maybe not over the shoulder, I crossed the axis line a couple times there were some contiguity errors for example: I had a book in my hand for one shot then the next it wasn't there and another time Carson had a book in his hand and then threw it and for the next shot he had it in his hand again. There were also a couple jump shots and some of them were in the wrong order. Carson also stopped running to early for some of the shots and there was not way to get that out of the video so we needed to stay in movement. I also need to tighten up my editing and cut some shots shorter.
My classmates liked the music I choose for my video and I used the rule of thirds correctly as week. I really enjoyed making this video, I had a good partner and it was creative. I'm excited to learn more in the e-COMM project, next week will be my last in the video/internment then I will move into graphic design. Not sure how i'll be at it or if the strand will be fun but i'm excited.
Au revoir my friends,
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Orchestra Audition
Hello good people of Blogger, I am back with another blog and the topic today is over (drumroll) the six shot system! The assignment was to create a video and use the six shots: extreme wide, wide, closeup, medium closeup, and extreme closeup. While trying not to cross the axis line and using the rule of thirds. I don't know if we were supposed to create a story but I did my best so thus I created an audition or practice like setting for my video. I wanted to make it seem like my actor was nervous or practicing for something with his/her instrument. Of course we didn't right into filming, we ad to use a storyboard to brainstorm ideas, then we got to film.
Filming the video was challenging. I didn't use the first day to film becuase I wanted a chance for my actress to finish her stuff so we could get right into filming the next day. The idea wasn't my best because we had to cram a whole hour of filming and at the time editing into 50 minutes. I had to use a small space and it was hard to get a variety of shots, my actress, Mary was very cooperative though. She helped me think of alternatives to the things we couldn't do like the extreme closeup was supposed to be her thing a deep breath through the nose but since we didn't get the whole audition feeling we had an extreme closeup of her playing her violin, she also added some humor at the end when she dramatically walked out. As I directed this short movie of 35 seconds I learned a lot, I think the director is in charge yes, but I think the director can also learn a lot from her actors.
During this project I learned a lot, filming is not as easy as say"Lights, camera, action." it's really hard. The rule of thirds is creating an invisible tic-tac-toe board across the screen and keeping the object your filming in the corners or sides, never directly in the middle. Also when filming you can't cross the axis line for it will mess with the congregation and overall not look very good. During my project I think I crossed it once and the backgrounds didn't match up so it didn't look as clean. We also had to film in a small room that we couldn't fix the shadows or make the light even in places. I learned how to use the software which was really cool because I want to edit and make movies as a possible career. Adobe Premier is a cool software to use and I got to adjust the length of the videos and if I wanted to could've adjusted the speed or added sound. I also liked working with the the i-Pads and tripods, I felt awkward using them at first just because i've never used anything professional but I really enjoyed making this project. Since i've never used a tripod it was strange and I had a hard time setting everything up, but I remember my teacher Mr. Cooper said "Just tilt it upside down, unlock the egg, and let gravity do the work." so I did that and it worked so I was pretty proud of myself for remembering that.
If I could do anything differently I would probably not wait until the last minute to film and edit, try and work out schedule conflicts before I already filmed and can't go back. I would try to be more confident and not worry about people judging me because i'm pretty sure at ONW it's pretty normal for students to see e-Comm students with cameras. Bottom line though I wouldn't wait till the last minute if I could've gotten things done. Somethings I won't revise in my video are the six shots, I got all of the shots and my video idea was pretty good. My classmates said it was creative they just suggested to get more of a verity of different shots and I of corse will try not to rush if at all possible.
Overall I thought this project was really fun to do and I really enjoyed making videos. Even if my video was really being inner level and I have a lot to work on I liked the way it turned out. I'm excited to dig further into this strand of e-Comm and Mr. Cooper makes the class even better. I am looking forward to bettering myself and growing more as an entertainer.
Filming the video was challenging. I didn't use the first day to film becuase I wanted a chance for my actress to finish her stuff so we could get right into filming the next day. The idea wasn't my best because we had to cram a whole hour of filming and at the time editing into 50 minutes. I had to use a small space and it was hard to get a variety of shots, my actress, Mary was very cooperative though. She helped me think of alternatives to the things we couldn't do like the extreme closeup was supposed to be her thing a deep breath through the nose but since we didn't get the whole audition feeling we had an extreme closeup of her playing her violin, she also added some humor at the end when she dramatically walked out. As I directed this short movie of 35 seconds I learned a lot, I think the director is in charge yes, but I think the director can also learn a lot from her actors.
During this project I learned a lot, filming is not as easy as say"Lights, camera, action." it's really hard. The rule of thirds is creating an invisible tic-tac-toe board across the screen and keeping the object your filming in the corners or sides, never directly in the middle. Also when filming you can't cross the axis line for it will mess with the congregation and overall not look very good. During my project I think I crossed it once and the backgrounds didn't match up so it didn't look as clean. We also had to film in a small room that we couldn't fix the shadows or make the light even in places. I learned how to use the software which was really cool because I want to edit and make movies as a possible career. Adobe Premier is a cool software to use and I got to adjust the length of the videos and if I wanted to could've adjusted the speed or added sound. I also liked working with the the i-Pads and tripods, I felt awkward using them at first just because i've never used anything professional but I really enjoyed making this project. Since i've never used a tripod it was strange and I had a hard time setting everything up, but I remember my teacher Mr. Cooper said "Just tilt it upside down, unlock the egg, and let gravity do the work." so I did that and it worked so I was pretty proud of myself for remembering that.
If I could do anything differently I would probably not wait until the last minute to film and edit, try and work out schedule conflicts before I already filmed and can't go back. I would try to be more confident and not worry about people judging me because i'm pretty sure at ONW it's pretty normal for students to see e-Comm students with cameras. Bottom line though I wouldn't wait till the last minute if I could've gotten things done. Somethings I won't revise in my video are the six shots, I got all of the shots and my video idea was pretty good. My classmates said it was creative they just suggested to get more of a verity of different shots and I of corse will try not to rush if at all possible.
Overall I thought this project was really fun to do and I really enjoyed making videos. Even if my video was really being inner level and I have a lot to work on I liked the way it turned out. I'm excited to dig further into this strand of e-Comm and Mr. Cooper makes the class even better. I am looking forward to bettering myself and growing more as an entertainer.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Freshmen Flags
What is a flag? Is it symbolism? Maybe it's just a piece of fabric that had shapes and colors and there is no meaning? The whole freshmen class in the e-Comm program went down to the Ravens Nest to find out what our first project would be, I was not expecting flags. I was a little confused but after they explained what we would be doing I started to get excited. This will be fun, we can design a flag. I started brainstorming things that would be cool on a flag. We had to pick a color that best described our personality and then pick a symbol that described you. I picked the color blue because it stands of calmness and for my symbol I picked the theater masks, Thalia and Melpomene. Then I added paint splats to their faces because I also enjoy art. After everyone in my group had their stuff figured out we dew a rough sketch of the design. We had a sun setting over a light blue ocean at the very bottom and love the ocean we had the sky growing darker. I suggested having our symbols in the sky as constellation and everyone agreed so it stuck. We then worked out all the kinks in the rough draft and drew a little darker and added symbols to the sky Someone hd a trouble clef, someone else had a paint pallet, someone had headphones, and someone had a quill. My group was very creative and we all worked well together, adding onto ideas and suggesting things. We are al artist too so that helped when we where drawing outside on Wednesday. Wednesday came and it was picture day, it was raining, and we had to draw with chalk. Doesn't seem like a good commotion right? Well surprising I didn't get anything on my pants and my hair was only sightly frizzy. We went outside, grabbed a box of chalk and tried to find a square that wasn't to wet. We found a spot next to the Raven statue then we got to work. We started with the sunset then we added the symbols so the black wouldn't get into the picture since they were supposed to be white. Then we did the sky, blending wet chalk was;t that bad it just felt weird. After we finished we all stepped back to admire our work. It turned out nicely in my opinion and it was really colorful. Then it started raining and all the flags got washed away. The End.
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