Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Animation Project Layout.

        For my quarter project, I want to be a doing a 2D animated short. I am hoping to do some action or high anticipation type short because my goal as an animator is to make people feel thigs whether it is excitement or anxiety. My general idea is something like The Diamond Jack short because I think it is very creative and entertaining to watch. I love the art style as well as the action.
But I was thinking of doing something with my dos because I like dogs, and then it came to me to do a dog chase scene. Plus I found a tutorial on Lydia on how to create a dog run. After I watched it I wanted to do the idea even more.
(This isn't the tutorial I watched but I definitely think its helpful).

(maybe it will be with a cat instead of another dog??)

 So with the idea in mind to work on a dog-centered chase scene/run cycle. I was talking to my friend about my idea and we came up with the idea of The Dogfather. After I heard the name I immediately was hooked and I've been looking at images of pugs in little fedoras with cigars and that look overall menacing. My friend has been sending me lots of pictures to use and I have been referring to them as I've drawn out my first ideas.

After a talk with her today during lunch I think I'm going to have the Dogfather playing cards against some other dog (maybe a really furry one to put all the cards like a poodle or something or possibly a cat), and when the other dog wins they will be asked to stand up and a whole bunch of cards will fall out of its fur. So this will start the dog chase as the first one will be running away before the pug/dogfather can comprehend. So then the master will be sending minions and he will eventually be caught.

The idea seems a little complicated, especially since I am first starting out but if all else fails I might just omit some parts or just make a really good dog run/walk cycle. It is all going to be without a script because I think it would take too long to draw all the mouth shapes on top of drawing out this whole story by yself. But I reallly want a chase scene of soesort so thats my goal to accomplish.

Here are some of the concept pictures I've drawn.

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