Bonjour!! Récemment j'ai fait un music video avec mes amies! It was really fun and I definitely enjoyed getting to start the entertainment side of my film class. It was a lot of hard work but getting a month or so to work on it was very helpful.
A few months ago, I got an assignment in my exploring Film class that we had to recreate a music video. We first got to pick our groups and I choose a good friend of mine and a few other people in my class that I had started talking to. I think we actually got along pretty well as a ground considering we all didn't really know each other very well. Next, we had to think of a music video we wanted to try and recreate. It was really tough for my group to pick because there are so many different types of genres and songs. I think it took my group and me about 3 days to agree with Love by Lana Del Rey. After that was picked out, we spent the rest of the week storyboarding, I think storyboarding took us a while because our video was really detailed we and wanted it to look really nice. We thought of everything, like where we wanted to film, what outfits and even planned some shots that we knew that we wanted. After our week long of storyboarding, we started the film schedule. The first thing we filmed was a coffee shop scene. I was very pleased with how these scenes turned out, the coffee shop stuff was probably my favorite thing we filmed. Next came a couple who was studying, and although I couldn't make it to that filming session or the couple outside, I know that they went very smooth and the shots were all pretty decent. The filming period took around a week to a week and a half and afterward my group and I went straight into editing since we were running short on time. My editor was my good friend and she did a very good job. Even though editing primarily took only one person, I tried to keep the whole group together just so there could be second and third opinions and new ideas for shots that didn't work. It was a very fun experience for my group pretty much clicked and we all had so many ideas that it helped make the video great. There were times where we would suggest filters for the shots and they turned out great or if we were missing something one of us could figure out another shot to help fix it. Editing took about a week as well and my team finished just a day or so before the deadline. It turned out wonderful and I am really proud of it.
I learned different ways to edit a video like my friend edits a different way than I do so it was cool to watch her because I learned some new things I can try, like using the razor tool and cutting a shot in half rather than clipping it and getting rid of the rest of it.I also learned how to develop a better eye for pretty shots and got to help the cinematographer plan some pretty nice looking shots. I also learned how to be punctual because if I was late I would miss something.
There aren't many things I would like to change, I would perhaps like to follow the music video a little bit more because some of our shots were filtered differently but it would've thrown off the balance we had found so it is ok that it was not added in. I also would've liked to have been there to help them film the other two couples because some of the shots aren't very good so I could've added to help create some shots, but maybe not, the world will never know. I would also have liked to change some of the castings just because a few couples didn't look natural or maybe a little camera shy.
No Change
Things I wouldn't change would be the video idea itself and my group. I think we all had different talents we brought to the table and that made for a very creative and nice looking video. I liked the actress who played Lana, she did fantastic, as well as the other actors/actresses. Everyone was so kind and it really made the whole thing easier. The end product was very well made, the filters really added something to it and the editing was also very precise.
In conclusion, I had a great time working on this project. I think if I didn't like animation so much I would want to be in the film entertainment industry. My group was very well working and I learned that bouncing ideas off one another really helps to create the best possible idea and the fact that everyone was working together really made it that more great. I loved this project and can't wait to start on the movie trailer.
See you next time,
Sophie the First
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