Friday, March 10, 2017

CSS Web Site

     Bonjour my fellow bloggers what is up?! I have been getting all my final projects and tests done because my thrid quarter of school ended today, what a reflief to have a nice ten day break. Well in class we've been working on our final project which is....anotherwebsite. I know not the most excitin thing but it was still an interesting project nontheless. So without furthado lets get right into it.

    We had helpful, really helpful videos to work us through our projects. First we changed the background color to black, after that we had to change the links at the top to a light tannish color. Next we had to change the title and subheading one sizes, fonts, and colors. After we did that we changed the text box to a cream color and then we changed the paragraph word color and font size. Lastly we had to make the dog go to the right side of the screen. All this was using Adobe Dreamweaver and it wasn't too difficult. I had trouble finding all the different font color and size options. I also, you guessed it, almost messed up the project because I had the links set up to the wrong page. I got this done pretty fast, I only used two class periods and it turned out pretty good.

What Did I learn?
     This experience was ok, I learned that for web design you must be patient, and I don't really have that word in my vocabulary. I also learned that coding is very picky so if one semicolon is missing then it won't allow you to do whatever you wanted to do.

      I learned that web design is probably not for me, I do think it's cool to learn how to make a website, epically because it's such a big part of everyone’s lives now, but I don't find it exciting like I do with animation and video. I know that web design is kind of important though because I could do something for my company or future job, but I'm just not that into it. 

Au Revrior my friends, I hope everything goes great for you and if your on a break or taking a vaction then I wish everything goes wnderful!
Thank you
Sophie the First.

Before the CSS  file                               With the CSS file

3D House Animation

     Bonjour!! How are all of you? I am doing well, trying to stay heathly through all this sickness but all the school days off are enjoyable. Recently we've been working on a 3D model of a house of our choice. Let me tell all of you it. was. hard!

      We used a program called Sketchup, it’s alright, but lags a lot and I’m still not getting used to all the new tools but I guess it’s a work in progress. First we choose a house to make and then we had to look at the floorplan, the back of the house, and the front. We than had to figure out the floor size..? The layout of the house, or how big it is. Then we use the push/pull tool to make it 3D. After that we had to make the roof. I had a lot of trouble trying to create the roof because 1. I am very unexperienced and 2. I just could not figure out to make the roof 3D and not get random pieces either extra or missing. After we created the roof the real fun began since most of the house was already done, right? I started part two by making the house walls a nice light/medium brownish color, then I at first made the roof a really weird unfitting color and it wasn't until later when I would discover the current and final color of the roof. After I colored everything I began the little details so the windows and all the stonework. I first created the front porch floor and the pillars and tried to make a roof but again, it was not working out, so I put that to the side and began the hard work of decorating. It wasn't that bad, a few bumps but for the most part everything worked, until I got to the porch roof. Aww man this took me forever to figure out until I just created a rectangle off to the side and put it on top of the pillars, if I tried to create the roof on the pillars I’d have extra lines than things would get deleted, it was a tough progress! After I finally finished the front I went to work on the sidewalk and the lines weren't connecting so I had to improvise, honestly I had so many problems with my house! x) So after I finally figured out the sidewalk/driveway rectangle thingy I went to work with the last touches I added a nice car and an awesome tree. The very last thing I did was add shadows and that was also a very complicated process because for some odd reason the shadows were registering as real objects so I had to move my whole house until it rested on the horizontal red line and the shadows actually worked but since I had added the tree and car it was lagging really bad so it took forever and then I had to add scenes which weren’t bad except for the fact that it took an hour to render! I only had about two minutes to finish, so I had to come in early the next day. Agh! I finally got it done though and it looks pretty good.

What did  learn?
    I definitely learned a lot and how to better use my software. I can look at problems and try to figure them out without help, for the most part and I now know how hard it is to build a house, no matter if it's real or 3D, I don't think I'm meant to be an architect.

     Well as I mentioned above I definitely learned how to use Sketechup better, and even if I don't like the program I can figure out how to work things. I know how hard it is for builders and kind of grew some respect for them and the person behind the blueprints as well. I'm so glad we didn't do the inside because this simple house took me like two weeks to do. I am so ready to start animating though and I know this is a step closer to my end goal.

Thank you for reading with me today, stay classy and heathy,
Sophie the First.