Saturday, October 29, 2016

Social Media and College Applications

       Hello good people of Blogger, today I am posting over an article that talks about colleges looking at social media before accepting you into their college.

     After reading the social Awareness I have learned that colleges look at social media to see if you are a good person. They always have people monitoring and seeing what you post on social media platforms. They look to see if your worth the trouble of being invited to their college. I have heard this already, when applying for a job they look you up and see if your reliable or not. schools and workplaces want to make sure your fit and can do the things they are expected while you go to that school or go to that job.

        I know that I am always careful with what I post on Instagram and Snapchat. I do not want people to think of me as the girl who is never doing something right, I want to be viewed good and I want the place that I'm applying for to know that I am a responsible person. I will post things that aren't bad or cray and will always to post stuff that won't cause craziness. I am considerate and now I will be even more careful because programs and business are always watching.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Elevator Pitch

  Greeting my fellow Bloggers, today's blog is about Elevator Pitch. What is an elevator pitch you might ask? Well an elevator pitch is a way to explain you strengths and likes with someone in about 60 seconds. It's called an elevator pitch because you only get about 60 seconds in an elevator with someone and that's the amount of time you have to pitch your idea to someone and introduce yourself.  Here is my example:

    I am an e-COMM student at ONW who likes to make movies and draw. I get complements on my creativity with movie ideas and sketches. I am excited to learn more skills for the graphic design strand and I will work hard to produce great things. I want to improve my skills and try new things. I hope to change this school for the better with my hopefully funny videos and kindness. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Let's Get a Little Technical

        Greetings my fellow blogger, it's Sophie the First back at it again with some blogging. This will be my last blog for a while over the topic of video entertainment. Next week I will start graphic design and that will last until December 16th I think.
     This blog will be over the Six Shot System, which is your guide to filming. There are six shots--hence the name-- that are used in all films. They help show emotion, setting, clean it up, and overall add more action. The shots are: Extreme Wide, Wide, Closeup, Medium Closeup, Extreme Closeup, and Over the Shoulder. As you have hopefully noticed half of the shots are closeups of sorts. That is because fifty percent of shots should be closeups. Now lets get right into the shots.
    Extreme Wide-
The extreme wide shot is what sets everything up. It is the shot will give the setting, without the setting the film would be pretty confusing. It can also set the mood, for example if you were doing a horror movie your wide shot would be the exposition (introducing characters) but you could add fog at sunrise. Things that can foreshadow to later events. The main purpose is the establish a setting foe the film though.

The wide shot along with the extreme wide shot are to show setting but the wide shot is not as big or wide as just the wide shot. So going with the horror movie example, the wide could be a closeup of the main characters house or maybe their yard or something that goes along with the extreme but focuses on a specific thing. 

The closeup is to show emotion or an action that an individual or group is showing or doing. In the horror movie you could use the closeup of the protagonist/antagonist brushing their teeth or combing/brushing their hair. The closeup usually is from the waist up, so closer than the wide but not as close as the medium closeup. 

    Medium Closeup-
The medium closeup is from the shoulders up and it allows more emotion to be seen. This shot should be very emotionally revealing. In the horror movie the main character could be eating or looking out the window. This shot is closer than the closeup but not as close as the extreme.

    Extreme Closeup-
The extreme closeup shows extreme shots. Like lips, hands, feet, eyes, basically any feature on the face or hands and feet. This shot can show actions that foreshadow events or emotions like fear inuU horror movies.

    Over the Shoulder-
The over the shoulder shot is a shot in third person, it shows what the character is looking at as well as other objects and characters are doing as well. This shot is common is scenes when two characters are having a discussion or maybe a fight scene in an action film.
     That is all folks over the topic of video entertainment. I will be working on something different until April-May, but now my journey through the e-COMM takes me to graphic design.

Au revoir my friends,
Sophie The First.

Horror Spoof

       Good day to you my fellow bloggers, Sophie the First is back with my final video filming project. This was a chase scene and we got to pick our groups, which let me tell you was a hard job. I was torn between two different groups but eventually settled with Mary (My actress mentioned before) and a new girl named Megan. We brainstormed for a whole hour and many ideas went back and forth, all relating to horror films, or something of the sort. I suggested a video with a clown in it because right now clowns are plaguing America and I thought it'd be funny be after so debate we decided against it. Mary suggested the horror movie spoof. I was wary of first, only because I didn't see her vision but after some explaining the video was appealing. The nest day, we filmed and didn't finish so filming continued onto Monday.
        Editing is still a difficult and long process. It takes me a while to remember how to import clips from the -Pad we used and then you have to put the clips in the hour two folder which took a while because I couldn't figure out how to export a big group of clips at one time so it took forever dragging each clip one at a time and I had 45 clips!
      Once everything was in Adobe Premiere it wasn't that hard, only the Wi-Fi decided to be difficult so day three nothing got done except for importing and exporting clips. Wednesday I walked into the e-COMM classroom before school believing today was going to be a great day with editing. But as I tried to connect to the server and Wi-Fi it didn't work. the whole 30 minutes that I gave myself to get at least half way done with editing, that didn't happen. Thursday I spent all class time working on my editing as well as watching my classmates and half listening to critiques. I finished right as the rang, but at least I finished it. I think my class did very well with videos and I think my was good as well.
     In our groups we had to edit the video separately so I think my version was pretty good, there are some jump cuts, crosses of the axis line, and some costume changes but hey what can you do. I  picked some creepy clown music and I was going to change the lighting but I ran out of time.
     I have expanded my knowledge with the do's and do not's of filming and it was so much fun to be apart of the entertainment strand for first quarter.  My favorite project to work on was probably the A to B squence just because I though my partner was easier to work with and it was fun, plus we both had pretty good ideas, overall though the experiance has been great so far.

Au revoir my friends, until next time,
Sophie the First

Friday, October 7, 2016

Library Day

     Greetings good people of Blogger, Sophie is back and here with some more news on the e-COMM  program. This time we did an A to B sequence, which means we went from one point to another. We had our partners drawn from a hat while dramatic music was playing in the background. I anxiously awaited my partners name to be told. "Carson" Mr. Cooper yelled out. I looked around and located Carson, my partner.
       We sat at my desk and tried to come up with an idea. The first idea was a bad janitor who is always creating and leaving messes instead of cleaning them, but over the weekend we both decided that the idea wasn't working out. Monday we decided on a comedy film and slowly we figured out what we wanted our scene to be, fighting over a book.
    The next day we decided to film. We scouted out an area and found a corner in the library that was quiet for the beginning of our scene. I grabbed a book and pretended to read, "finishing" it I look for a new book. Carson was also looking for a new book and somehow in our scene we grab for the same book which leads to the ultimate chase scene you've ever scene. He grabs the book and  I get a closeup of my scared face then he sprints out of the library, me, following quickly after.
      We sprint throughout the hallways and do some pretty epic stunts that involved me falling into a trashcan and bruising up my knee pretty badly. But it was so worth it because in the video it turns out pretty well.
      The video again was supposed to feature the six shot system and the rule of thirds as well as having each scene 3-4 seconds and using the axis line. It is always hard and there will always make mistakes but I have gotten better, way better. I had all six shots, well maybe not over the shoulder, I crossed the axis line a couple times there were some contiguity errors for example: I had a book in my hand for one shot then the next it wasn't there and another time Carson had a book in his hand and then threw it and for the next shot he had it in his hand again. There were also a couple jump shots and some of them were in the wrong order. Carson also stopped running to early for some of the shots and there was not way to get that out of the video so we needed to stay in movement. I also need to tighten up my editing and cut some shots shorter.
      My classmates liked the music I choose for my video and I used the rule of thirds correctly as week. I really enjoyed making this video, I had a good partner and it was creative. I'm excited to learn more in the e-COMM project, next week will be my last in the video/internment then I will move into graphic design. Not sure how i'll be at it or if the strand will be fun but i'm excited.

 Au revoir my friends,