Greetings my fellow blogger, it's Sophie the First back at it again with some blogging. This will be my last blog for a while over the topic of video entertainment. Next week I will start graphic design and that will last until December 16th I think.
This blog will be over the Six Shot System, which is your guide to filming. There are six shots--hence the name-- that are used in all films. They help show emotion, setting, clean it up, and overall add more action. The shots are: Extreme Wide, Wide, Closeup, Medium Closeup, Extreme Closeup, and Over the Shoulder. As you have hopefully noticed half of the shots are closeups of sorts. That is because fifty percent of shots should be closeups. Now lets get right into the shots.
Extreme Wide-
The extreme wide shot is what sets everything up. It is the shot will give the setting, without the setting the film would be pretty confusing. It can also set the mood, for example if you were doing a horror movie your wide shot would be the exposition (introducing characters) but you could add fog at sunrise. Things that can foreshadow to later events. The main purpose is the establish a setting foe the film though.
The wide shot along with the extreme wide shot are to show setting but the wide shot is not as big or wide as just the wide shot. So going with the horror movie example, the wide could be a closeup of the main characters house or maybe their yard or something that goes along with the extreme but focuses on a specific thing.
The closeup is to show emotion or an action that an individual or group is showing or doing. In the horror movie you could use the closeup of the protagonist/antagonist brushing their teeth or combing/brushing their hair. The closeup usually is from the waist up, so closer than the wide but not as close as the medium closeup.
Medium Closeup-
The medium closeup is from the shoulders up and it allows more emotion to be seen. This shot should be very emotionally revealing. In the horror movie the main character could be eating or looking out the window. This shot is closer than the closeup but not as close as the extreme.
Extreme Closeup-
The extreme closeup shows extreme shots. Like lips, hands, feet, eyes, basically any feature on the face or hands and feet. This shot can show actions that foreshadow events or emotions like fear in
uU horror movies.
Over the Shoulder-
The over the shoulder shot is a shot in third person, it shows what the character is looking at as well as other objects and characters are doing as well. This shot is common is scenes when two characters are having a discussion or maybe a fight scene in an action film.
That is all folks over the topic of video entertainment. I will be working on something different until April-May, but now my journey through the e-COMM takes me to graphic design.
Au revoir my friends,
Sophie The First.