Thursday, September 15, 2016

Orchestra Audition

        Hello good people of Blogger, I am back with another blog and the topic today is over (drumroll) the six shot system! The assignment was to create a video and use the six shots: extreme wide, wide, closeup, medium closeup, and extreme closeup. While trying not to cross the axis line and using the rule of thirds. I don't know if we were supposed to create a story but I did my best so thus I created an audition or practice like setting for my video. I wanted to make it seem like my actor was nervous or practicing for something with his/her instrument. Of course we didn't right into filming, we ad to use a storyboard to brainstorm ideas, then we got to film.
     Filming the video was challenging. I didn't use the first day to film becuase I wanted a chance for my actress to finish her stuff so we could get right into filming the next day. The idea wasn't my best because we had to cram a whole hour of filming and at the time editing into 50 minutes. I had to use a small space and it was hard to get a variety of shots, my actress, Mary was very cooperative though. She helped me think of alternatives to the things we couldn't do like the extreme closeup was supposed to be her thing a deep breath through the nose but since we didn't get the whole audition feeling we had an extreme closeup of her playing her violin, she also added some humor at the end when she dramatically walked out. As I directed this short movie of 35 seconds I learned a lot, I think the director is in charge yes, but I think the director can also learn a lot from her actors.

    During this project I learned a lot, filming is not as easy as say"Lights, camera, action." it's really hard. The rule of thirds is creating an invisible tic-tac-toe board across the screen and keeping the object your filming in the corners or sides, never directly in the middle. Also when filming you can't cross the axis line for it will mess with the congregation and overall not look very good. During my project I think I crossed it once and the backgrounds didn't match up so it didn't look as clean. We also had to film in a small room that we couldn't fix the shadows or make the light even in places. I learned how to use the software which was really cool because I want to edit and make movies as a possible career. Adobe Premier is a cool software to use and I got to adjust the length of the videos and if I wanted to  could've adjusted the speed or added sound. I also liked working with the the i-Pads and tripods, I felt awkward using them at first just because i've never used anything professional but I really enjoyed making this project. Since i've never used a tripod it was strange and I had a hard time setting everything up, but I remember my teacher Mr. Cooper said "Just tilt it upside down, unlock the egg, and let gravity do the work." so I did that and it worked so I was pretty proud of myself for remembering that.

   If I could do anything differently I would probably not wait until the last minute to film and edit, try and work out schedule conflicts before I already filmed and can't go back. I would try to be more confident and not worry about people judging me because i'm pretty sure at ONW it's pretty normal for students to see e-Comm students with cameras. Bottom line though I wouldn't wait till the last minute if I could've gotten things done. Somethings I won't revise in my video are the six shots, I got all of the shots and my video idea was pretty good. My classmates said it was creative they just suggested to get more of a verity of different shots and I of corse will try not to rush if at all possible.

 Overall I thought this project was really fun to do and I really enjoyed making videos. Even if my video was really being inner level and I have a lot to work on I liked the way it turned out. I'm excited to dig further into this strand of e-Comm and Mr. Cooper makes the class even better. I am looking forward to bettering myself and growing more as an entertainer.